2020 has been a year of many things, but most importantly here at RTCustoms, it has been a year of hybrid drums. Hybrid is a term used to describe the shell construction that uses more than one material. In our case, usually wood and acrylic. The sections are accurately machined to achieve a perfect join between the materials, and an epoxy glue used for added strength. Here are a few of our favourite hybrid snares from this year:

Beer Riff
14x6.5 30ply maple/clear acrylic
Black stain with white interior
Black nickel hardware
Beer Riff frosting on acrylic
Custom badge
Green LEDs

No Comply
14x6.5 clear acrylic with maple
Recycled Skateboard inlay
Recycled Skateboard inner veneer
Wood hoops
Custom badge

14x6.5 maple with coke bottle acrylic Turquoise glass glitter wrap Maple pinstripe Chrome hardware

10x6 clear acrylic with maple Blue sparkle wrap Maple pinstripes Chrome hardware RIMS mount Give us a shout and let's see what we can come up with for 2021! Rich rich@rtcustoms.co.uk #rtcustoms #customdrums #hybriddrums #drumporn